Well, there's not really too much to tell. I'm a clinically depressed feca.... oh wait, that was South Park. My mistake.

Alright then, me. My name is Jonathon, I'm currently 18, and I, to date, have never had a proper girlfriend. Pathetic, huh? (And no, I don't mean by never and proper that I had a blow-up doll. Sheesh.)

Oh, this is me, by the way. I have another photo here, which is where the first pic was enlarged from. Hopefully you can pick out which is me. The rest of them are the cast of a play I was in.

Anyway, let's see, what else?
Well, i'm currently a student at MIT (Manukau Institute of Technology), where I'm doing a Certificate of Business Computing, aka CBC. Excitement she wrote, huh?
Still, it's not a bad place, the tutors are pretty cool, and the work's ok. Whoops, better not say that. You never know who might be watching, and ziiiiipp!!!, whaddaya know, they give me more work.

Well, that's all there is to say there.... I suppose we move onto...


And what piddling little boring things they are.

Anyways, much of my free time is spent.... well, reading, most likely. I read practically anything from Fantasy or science fiction. I've read works by E. E. Doc Smith, Asimov, Eddings, Feist, even Harry Harrison, Katherine Kerr and Terry Goodkind. My favourite stuff is basically anything with swords and sorcery, exotic monsters and a good story.

In fact, go here to see the list of Forgotten Realms novels I collected so far.

From my reading comes a passion for writing, and though I haven't yet finished anything, some day i hope to, and maybe, if I'm lucky, get it published.
I wouldn't hold my breath waiting if I was you. :)

Well then, what more? I like to draw, and if you're lucky I might, in time, have some of my art here somewhere. Or should that be 'if you're unlucky?' Well, either way, you'll be able to see some drawings eventually. That's if both your browser and screen survive.... still, if you got this far, you've probably already seen the picture of me, so the browser or screen (or both) must be tough. Lucky, eh?

Well, from my taste in reading, you might guess (If you're really, really good at this game) that I have a liking for fantasy roleplay as well. You'd be right, too. I've never played the good old table-top versions, with miniatures and a Dungeon Master (*sighs* My loss.), or the card games, like Magic: The Gathering. I don't even know much about Vampire: The Masquerade, but I plan to.
But what I do know is my old favourite, online role-playing. A boring subject to some, but I love it. And my favourite place is here, at Mylanders. If it's up your ally, and you haven't been there before, drop on by. Create a character and come on in. So long as you don't act like a complete moron, you should find a pleasant enough greeting. :)

Other than that, my interests are basically things like fiddling with stuff (such as modelling clay or Lego, but I haven't done that seriously in ages), the Internet, and computer games. (I love Baldur's Gate, by the way!)

Exciting life I lead, neh?

Turn around and go back to the Hallway.