He doesn't look too unusual. Sandy brown hair, and he looks human enough. His shirt is grey, his pants dark blue, his boots brown. He wears a dark grey woollen cloak as well. At least, that's his favourite outfit. Oh, and his eyes are a very brilliant blue, the pupils shaped like a cat's, and coloured violet. He doesn't carry any weapons.
History in brief:
He's of a race that basically call themselves 'the Feral'. They're shapeshifters. When they reach their twentieth year, the latent ability is activated. They can then take on up to three animal forms of their choosing, and no others. Much of their early life is spent studying the chosen animal, so they know it well enough to take its form. Some, like Drake, choose to specialize in a specific type of animal, like big cats. They can then take the form of any member of that type. In the case of the big cats, they could be a lion, leopard, tiger, etc. Drake chose dragons. And since dragons are extremely powerful, not to mention practically the ultimate predator, his people asked him to leave. You see, the drawback to their ability is that they live on the edge of retaining their mind, and becoming the creature. His people were afraid he might become adragon completely, and turn on them. So he left, deciding to find more information on dragons. Among his adventures, he was captured by wizards of a conquering army. He can take a dragon's form, but he can't use magic, and so he was defenceless. They used him as a mindless drone, a weapon against their enemies. How he escaped, he still doesn't know. But, since then, he has a strong and violent objection to slavery of any kind.
More recently, he aided a dying traveller, easing his last moments. That traveller turned out to be a King of a small dimension removed from regular time and space. That King passed the powers of the kingship over to Drake before he died. However, since Drake was an 'outlander', he couldn't be anything more than a steward of the position. He finally found the one who was meant to be the rightful king, and passed the powers to him, leaving Drake free of obligation. But, on his last visit, as he exited into his home plane, he was waylaid by old enemies, the wizards that enslaved him in the past. He escaped, but as the result of some misfired spell, he was transformed. Now he resembles a sort of dragon man, his scales a dark grey, and his head definitely draconic. His breath weapon seems now to be some kind of mist, as cold as the touch of a ghost. He also seems to have gained some sort of tendrils that emerge from holes in his palms or wrists. Most tragic of all though, he has been robbed of his innate abilities to change his shape. He is trapped within himself.

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